Engleski jezik za početnike

Engleski jezik za početnike

Besplatan kurs engleskog sa izgovorom na Youtube kanalu EngleskiZaPocetnike

September 1, 2011

Učite engleski sa svojom decom, braćom, sestrama i ostalom rodbinom :)

Ovde imate jedan primer pesmice koju možete savladati tako što ćete "uhvatiti" najprijemčljivijeg člana svoje rodbine i vežbati zajedno.
Pesma je super pošto imate lepu kombinaciju vežbe postavljanja pitanja u Present Simple-u, reči "brother" (brat) i "sister" (sestra) u jednini i množini i brojeva 1-2- 3- 4.

Da li imaš braće i sestara ? 
= Do you have any brothers or sisters ?
I have... = Imam...

Do you have any brothers or sisters ?
1.I have one brother?
Do you have any brothers or sisters ?
2. I have two brothers?
Do you have any brothers or sisters ?
3. I have three brothers?
Do you have any brothers or sisters ?
4. I have four brothers ?

Do you have any brothers or sisters ?
1. I have one sister.

Do you have any brothers or sisters ?
2. I have two sisters.
Do you have any brothers or sisters ?
3. I have four sisters.

Do you have any brothers or sisters ?
4. I have four sisters.
Do you have any brothers or sisters ?
* Nooo.
That's ok :)

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