Engleski jezik za početnike

Engleski jezik za početnike

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January 22, 2023

Jednostavni tekstovi na engleskom - Džulija Roberts

Jednostavni tekstovi na engleskom - Džulija Roberts

Ako znate oko 300 osnovnih reči na engleskom i ako ste prešli većinu lekcija i vežbi engleskog na ovom sajtu, sigurno ćete moći da razumete prilično dugačak tekst o Džuliji Roberts:

 Jednostavni tekstovi na engleskom uz vežbu - Julia Roberts

What do people know about her? She is smart and beautiful. She is a famous actress and people love her movies. She's a superstar! And people always remember her smile. This big smile brings light into a room. Suddenly, people are happy. But what is the story behind the smile? How does a little girl from a quiet town find big lights of Hollywood.  

Julia Roberts was in born 1967. She became famous in the early 1990s after starring in the romantic comedy ‘Pretty Woman’. She won an Oscar for best actress in 2001 for her role in ‘Erin Brockovich’. She is one of the highest-paid actresses in the world. In 2007, she was estimated to be worth $140 million. - još tekstova o poznatim ličnostima i vežbi na ovom sajtu.

Jednostavna vežba - Džulija Roberts

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